Software development

What is Quality Assurance QA in Software Testing?

For example, designers may gather information by using FAST or interviews. Once the developers gather the needed info, they can create project estimation using techniques such as Functional Point , Source Line of Codes , or Work Breakdown Structure . QC also evaluates people on their quality level skill sets and imparts training and certifications. This evaluation is required for the service based organization and helps provide “perfect” service to the customers.

software development quality assurance

Regardless of whether your company uses a waterfall model, V-model, or agile software development framework such as scrum or kanban, the overall scope of QA activities is rather similar. The term “DevOps” is increasingly used which refers to the close collaboration of development and operations teams in an agile environment. Whatever methodology the team is using, the collaboration is important as it helps fix all bugs in a timely manner.

QC vs QA

This audit compares the whole Software Development Life Cycle process to the established procedure. The audit also reveals non-compliance issues and ensures that the proper parties act on any reported QA issues. Designers must conform to the established processes and employ only defined procedures. Plan – Organization should plan and establish the process related objectives and determine the processes that are required to deliver a high-Quality end product.

software development quality assurance

Unlike black box testing, this method requires profound knowledge of the code as it entails testing of some structural part of the application. Therefore, generally, the developers directly involved in writing code are responsible for this type of testing. The purpose of white box testing is to enhance security, the flow of inputs/outputs through the application, and to improve design and usability. This method is mainly used at the unit and integration testing levels. The smallest testable part of the software system is often referred to as a unit.

Why is quality assurance necessary?

Make a plan for how you will carry out the sqa through out the project. Think about which set of software engineering activities are the best for project. Blaming others for bugs — QA teams often find collaborating with development teams troublesome, especially if they find a bug in a live application. But their job is to establish processes that help everyone involved in developing software ship better products. Nobody should be blamed for the bug — coming up with a way to avoid the same mistake again is a much better use of your time. Depending on the size of the organization, QA can comprise various subtasks.

software development quality assurance

Currently, the two major concerns regarding test data management are data compliance and big data. Cross-browser compatibility testing is the process of testing a website… It shows how easy it is to maintain different system versions and support changes and upgrades cost-effectively. This software QA attribute indicates how well the system uses all the available resources.

Not measuring code coverage

Acceptance of technical requirements in the software development process. In case you need a partner who would outsource software testing services do not hesitate to contact our software development software development quality assurance services agency through the form on our website. NEKLO specialists provide consultation and can help you pick the testing type that will be the best fit for your requirements.

  • It is organized into goals, commitments, abilities, activities, measurements, verification and validation.
  • Also referred to as test approach or architecture, test strategy is another artifact of the planning stage.
  • This approach is great for projects that require frequent updates.
  • QA begins at the commencement of a project, introducing much-needed safeguards that keep products in scope and viable.
  • Testing done on a new build to ensure that new functionality has not unintentionally broken previously tested functionality.
  • Use case testing is applied widely in developing tests at system or acceptance levels.

There are several certifications available in the industry to ensure that Organizations follow Standards Quality Processes. Customers make this as qualifying criteria while selecting a software vendor. Data protection and privacy laws also raise concerns about the security of test environments.

What is quality assurance (QA)?

Get in touch with the experts who understand the importance of QA in software development. Whilst a software program might perform all functions as intended, it may not necessarily be completely secure. If there are any weakness in its defences, the product and users’ data could be compromised.

software development quality assurance

That is why we at AltexSoft put a premium on the quality of software we build for our clients. In this paper, we will share our insights on the quality assurance and testing process, our best practices and preferred strategies. DevOps best practices comprise continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous deployment to deliver a high-quality product. This approach is great for projects that require frequent updates.

Reporting and maintenance

With automation, tests can be run more often and even in parallel – instead of just testing a product before a release, the tests can be run every night. Tests can also be run after every change made by the developers, which is called continuous integration . The quality assurance and testing process in software development can generally be divided into four stages. In this section, we’ll explore each of the QA testing steps in greater detail.

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Automation can be tricky — automation is a buzzword in QA circles right now. To address the problem of introducing automation, teams often start with semi-automated solutions — for example, bug logging tool. Teams that are ready for automation use tools such as QMetry Automation Studio, Selenium, AppManager, and Watir. After all, both aim to ship software that matches specific requirements and is of top quality.


With automated testing, you’ll also find regressions sooner than with manual testing, which makes fixing them much easier. Vendors in some industries like medical and automotive are forced to test by regulations. While they can do this manually, they’ll save time and money by automating testing. The reports generated by a tool will likely also be more welcomed by an auditor compared to manual tests since a human can cheat and will not test that regularly. The bigger a product – and the more safety-critical a product is – the more tests are needed.

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